Vision and Life
"Your own soul is nourished when you are kind; it is destroyed when you are cruel."
Music Studio
“The timeless knows that yesterday is but today's memory and tomorrow is today's dream.”
book of time
"Words kill, words give life; they’re either poison or fruit – You choose."
following the ancients
Sangreal is an international project founden in 2019 that connects Epic Metal with topics from ancient texts, religious themes, legends, mysticism and esotericism.
a journey through the mysteries of history through the stories and testimonies of the sacred books. Begin your journey in the epic dimension through the dark ages in search of the light, find your grail.

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Sacred Epic Metal
Sangreal news

Guitar Playthrough of “The Prophet”
31 October 2023
“See, I will send the prophet Elijah to you before that great and dreadful day of the Lord comes. 6 He will turn the hearts of the parents to

The Official VIdeo of “Arise Today”
19 November 2019
Arise Today is an Irish prayer, an ancient Celtic blessing: Celtic literature is rich in images related to nature to describe the relationship

Sangreal on Bandcamp
10 June 2019
After Spotify, itunes and Amazon, Sangreal is available on BANDACAMP now!
– Full Streaming
– Digital Download
– Physical Copy
Get your

Sangreal on Spotify
25 May 2019
Sangreal is on Spotify! Link: https://open.spotify.com/album/2QTLYC7bpxZZ13Yaj0aprc
Did you listen to our debut album? Become our

Sangreal on Digital Stores
23 May 2019
Today is the day! Now Sangreal is available on all the most important.
HERE your digital album of SANGREAL!!

Teaser Video
15 May 2019
Finally we are proud to introduce you the teaser of our first album, released the next week, on 23rd May by UNDERGROUND SYMPHONY.
Nine Tracks

“Vision And Life” lyric Video
16 April 2019
When the dashboard lights start flashing, this is a sign the battery is dying. Several issues arise and that is when warning lights show up on

Guest on Sangreal
09 April 2019
We are proud to announce that the narrative voice of the song “I am that I am” will be made by Enzo Donnarumma, leader and composer of

Sangreal Latest Details
19 February 2019
Underground Symphony is proud to announce the latest details about the debut album of Sangreal, italian epic & symphonic metal band in vein

Drums Recording
30 January 2019
Recording sessions began with Matti Auerkallio. In this video he is playing the song “Samaritan”.
Matti is a finnish metal oriented

Sangreal On Social Media
14 January 2019
Now Sangreal is on the social Network! Follow us on facebook, instagram, youtube and twitter. We want you as follower!
Here the link:

Deal with Underground Symphony
22 December 2018
The journey begins
Underground Symphony is proud to announce the signing with Sangreal for the release of their debut album.The brainchild